Hurt Status for Whatsapp: Today We are Sharing TOP Hurt Status for Whatsapp with You. At some point in our lives, it’s normal to feel hurt and experience emotional pain. Whether from a broken relationship, lost opportunity or life event, the feeling of hurt can be overwhelming. That is when hurt status for WhatsApp comes in handy – an array of quotes and sayings that allow us to express our emotions through this popular messaging app. In this article, we’ll be looking at the top 1000+ English Hurt Status for WhatsApp users.

Relationships can be challenging and we may find ourselves feeling hurt, sad, or broken. If you’re going through a rough patch in your relationship or simply need to express how you’re feeling, we’ve compiled this list of 1000+ hurt status quotes for WhatsApp in English that are relatable and help express emotions during trying times. Whether you’re going through a breakup, experiencing heartbreak or just needing to vent out, these hurt status quotes will provide comfort and understanding during trying times. We also have a awesome collection of Whatsapp Status 2023 & Whatsapp Images DP.

Hurt Status for Whatsapp

  • I Am Sorry For Felling Sorry.
  • True Love Has A Habit Of Coming.
  • It Hurts, But It’S Ok. I’M Used To It.
  • I Don’T Want Us To Be Strangers Again.
  • Think Before You Speak, Words Can Hurt.
  • Yes I Was In Love. But That Was Yesterday.
  • Broken Hearts Hurt More Than Broken Bones.
  • Love Is Not Free, The Price Is Your Heart.
  • My Heart Finally Said ” Enough Is Enough “.
  • I’M Not Mad. I’M Hurt. There’S A Difference.
  • I Don’T Want To Get Attached To Anyone Anymore.
  • If I Was A Mistake I Hope I Was Your Favorite.
  • The Best Relationship Usually Begins Unexpectedly.
  • Someday You Might Miss Me ( At Least I Hope So ).
  • Everyone Who Doubted Me Is Asking For Forgiveness.

Hurt Whatsapp Status

  • Hurt Me With Truth But Never Comfort Me With A Lie.
  • Be What You Want To Be Not What Others Want To See.
  • Be Sure To Taste Your Words Before You Spit Them Out.
  • People Hate The Truth. Luckily, The Truth Doesn’t Care.
  • Just For Once, I Want Someone To Be Afraid Of Losing Me.
  • I Never Feel Alone Because Loneliness Is Always With Me.
  • Forget What Hurt You But Never Forget What It Taught You.
  • Someday, Someone Is Going To Thank You For Letting Me Go.
  • When People Treat You Like They Don’T Care, Believe Them.
  • Better To Get Hurt By The Truth Than Comforted With A Lie.
  • I Can’T Tell If It’S Killing Me Or It’S Making Me Stronger.
  • Sorry Is Not Enough. Sometimes You Actually Have To Change.
  • My Feelings ? Oh ! Don’T Worry About Those, No One Else Does.
  • Boys Never Realize How Much One Little Thing Can Hurt A Girl.
  • I Don’t Expect The Best Of Everything, I Expect What I Deserve.

Feeling Hurt Status

  • When You Hurt The One You Love, You Are Bound To Hurt Yourself.
  • It May Hurt To Get Go, But Sometimes It Hurts More To Hold On.
  • I Hate It When I Have Too Much To Say But I Can’T Put In Words.
  • I Cared Too Much, You Didn’t Care Enough. That Was The Problem.
  • Truth Hurts For Little Time While, But Lies Hurt For A Lifetime.
  • You Can’T Keep Hurting A Person & Expect Them To Keep Loving You.
  • I Remember Every Word You Told Me. I Can’T Stop Thinking About It.
  • When I’M With You, I Feel Safe From The Things That Hurt Me Inside.
  • The Last Thing I Want To Do Is Hurt You. But Its Still On The List.
  • Those Who Cry The Loudest Are Not Always The One Are Hurt The Most.
  • When You Can’T Remember Why You’Re Hurt, That’S When You’Re Healed.
  • I Won’T Hurt You. Takes 10 Seconds To Say It, But Years To Prove It.
  • The Only Knowledge That Can Hurt You Is The Knowledge You Don’T Have.

Hurt Broken Status

  • Sick of Crying, Tired Of Trying, Yes I’M Smiling But Inside I’M Dying.
  • Sometimes You Have To Forget How You Feel & Remember What You Deserve.
  • Its Not Love That Hurts. What Hurts Is Being Hurt By Someone You Love.
  • I Acted Like It Wasn’t A Big Deal When Really It Was Breaking My Heart.
  • One Thing Worse Than You Being Hurt Is Seeing Your Best Friend In Tears.
  • If They Keep Hurting You, Love Them And Stay Or Love Yourself And Leave.
  • Being Silent Is A Great Way To Let Someone Know They Did Something Wrong.
  • I Did Searching & Remembering, She Did The Disappearing & The Forgetting.
  • If You Are Stupid Enough To Walk Away Then I’M Smart Enough To Let You Go.
  • Never Do Something Permanently Stupid Just Because You Are Temporary Upset.
  • It Hurts Knowing You Tried Doing Your Best And It Still Wasn’t Good Enough.
  • The Fear If Being Hurt In A Relationship Usually Causes You To Stay Single.
  • I’ve Been Let Down So Many Times That Being Hurt Doesn’t Phase Me Any More.
  • You Can Hurt Me With The Truth, But Please Don’T Comfort Me With Your Lies.
  • The Most Painful Goodbyes Are The Ones That Are Never Said & Never Explained.
  • Sometimes You Have To Take Your Own Advice And Apply It To Your Own Problems.
  • My Biggest Mistakes Is Thinking That People Care For Me As Much I Do For Them.
  • Giving Lots Of Affection And Getting None In Return Hurts More Than You Think.
  • Never Thought That Something That Brought So Much Joy Could Bring So Much Pain.
  • Each Time You Ignore Me, I Regret Every Text Messages That I’ve Ever Sent You.

Sad Hurt Status

  • I’M Not Perfect, I Make Mistakes, I Hurt People But When I Say Sorry I Mean It.
  • One Of Hardest Things To Do In Life, Is Letting Go Of What You Thought Was Real.
  • Pain Changes People, It Makes Them Trust Less, Overthink More & Shut People Out.
  • My Pride Won’t Let Me Call Or Text You First But My Heart Won’t Let Me Move On.
  • I’M Not Crying Over What You Said, It’s What You Didn’t Say That Hurts The Most.
  • The Toughest Part Of Letting Go Is…Realizing That The Other Person Already Did.
  • You Can’t Start The Next Chapter Of Your Life If You Keep Re-Reading The Last One.
  • The Past Can Hurt But The Way I See It You Can Either Run From It For Learn From It.
  • Don’t Hold To Anger, Hurt Or Pain. They Steal Your Energy And Keep You Away From Love.
  • I Never Knew Until That Moment How Bad It Could Hurt To Lose Something You Never Had.
  • Learn To Love Yourself First, Instead Of Loving The Idea Of Other People Loving You.
  • Sometimes All You Can Do Is Lie In Bed, And Hope To Fall Asleep Before You Fall Apart.
  • Tears Are How Our Heart Speaks When Our Lips Can’t Describe How Much We Have Been Hurt.
  • I Know I Never Even Had Any Chance With You But It Still Hurts Seeing You With Someone.
  • Seeing People Changes Isn’t Hurts. What Really Hurts Is Remembering How They Used To Be.
  • If You Love Someone More Than They Deserve, Expect You’ll Be Hurt More Than You Deserve.
  • Don’t Trust Too Much, Don’t Hope Too Much Because That ” Too Much ” Can Hurt You So Much.
  • I Wish I Had A Delete Button In My Life. To Delete Somebody, Some Memories & Some Feelings.
  • I Feel Scared To Fall In Love Again After Being Hurt And Its Kinda The Worst Feeling Ever.
  • I Don’t Hate You. I’M Just Disappointed You Turned Into Everything You Said You’d Never Be.
  • I Don’t Need A Perfect One. I Just Need Someone Who Can Make Me Feel That I Am The Only One.
  • I Can Forgive And Forget When Enemies Hurt Me, But When Friends Do It, Leaves A Deep Scare.
  • Words Don’t Have The Power To Hurt You, Unless The Person Who Said Them Means A Lot To You.
  • Every time You Hurt Me, Every time I Felt Pain. Every Lie You Told Me, Made Me Who I Am Today.
  • Seeing People Change Isn’t What Hurts. What Really Hurts Is Remembering How They Used To Be.
  • Sometimes Two People Have To Fall Apart To Realize How Much They Need To Fall Back Together.
  • It Hurts If Someone Tells You They Don’t Want You, But It Hurts More If They Don’t Tell You.
  • It Hurts So Much To Love You The Way I Do, Then Look At You And Realize That You Don’t Care.
  • The Most Beautiful Line Is ” But, I Love You “. The Most Painful Line Is ” I Love You, But “.

Pain Hurt Status

  • The Truth Is Everyone Is Going To Hurt You. You Must Got To Find The Ones Worth Suffering For.
  • Its Very Easy To Hurt Someone & Say Sorry But Its Very Difficult To Get Hurt And Say It’s Ok.
  • Don’t Show So Much Of Love On Anyone Because It Creates A Non-Curable Pain When They Avoid You.
  • Its Hard When Someone Special Ignores You But Its Harder Pretending That You Just Don’t Care.
  • May Be I Don’t Cry But Its Hurts. May Be I Won’t Say But I Feel. May Be I Don’t Sow But I Care.
  • I Wish I Had A Delete Button In My Life. To Delete Some People, Some Memories, And Some Feelings.
  • The Hardest Part Of Loving Someone Is When They No Longer Care And You Keep Loving Them Anyways.
  • You Don’t Get To Choose If You Get Hurt In This World, But You Do Have Some Say In Who Hurts You.
  • 80% Of Women Use Silence To Express Pain. You Know She’s Truly Hurt When She Chooses To Ignore You.
  • I Wish I Could Hurt You The Way You Hurt Me. But I Know That If I Had The Chance, I Wouldn’t Do It.
  • A Friend Can Hurt You With Words Or Actions, But Its The Worst When A Friend Hurts You By Ignoring You.
  • Sometimes You Can Hurt Yourself More Than Anyone Can Hurt You Just By Keeping All Your Feelings Hidden.
  • A Real Woman Avoid Drama, She Knows Her Time Is Precious And She’s Not Wasting It On Unimportant Things.
  • Feelings Don’t Die. Because We Keep On Feeding Them With Memories. That’s Exactly Why Its Hard To Move On.
  • Why Waste Your Time Getting Hurt By Someone When There’s Someone Else Out There Waiting To Make You Happy?
  • Breakups Hurt, But Losing Someone Who Doesn’t Respect And Appericaciate You Is Actually A Gain, Not A Loss.
  • Sometimes You Need To Know Your Place In Someone’s Life, Because You Might Get Hurt If You Expect Too Much.
  • If You Are Hurting Tell Someone About It. Don’t Hold It In, Because It Can Destroy You From The Inside Out.
  • Don’t Be Upset When People Reject You. Nice Things Are Rejected All The Time By People Who Can’t Afford Them.
  • Never Let Someone Hurt You Twice. Giving Them A Second Chance Is Simply Exposing Yourself To The Hurt Again.
  • Its So Painful When You Given Your Life As A Gift To Someone, They Take It With Love And Don’t Love You Back.
  • If It Hurts So much Nothing Helps, Just Let Time Pass Right Through You To Heal You And Wipe Your Tears Away.
  • I Remember Him Not As The One Who Broke My Heart But As The One Who Taught Me How To Live With A Broken Heart.

Emotional Hurt Status

  • Tears Are More Specials Than Smiles. Smiles Can Be For Anyone But Tears Are Only For Those Who You Really Love.
  • Sometimes You Keep Someone Who Hurts You. Its Because The Happiness They Bring Is More Than The Pain They Cause.
  • Being Single Doesn’t Mean You Know Nothing About Love. Sometimes, Its Wiser To Be Alone Than With The Wrong Person.
  • Sometimes You Keep Someone Who Hurts You. It’s Because The Happiness They Bring Is More Than The Pain They Cause.
  • Sometimes Someone Can Hurt Us More Than We Really Deserve Because We Had Loved Them More Than They Actually Deserve.
  • Sometimes You Just Have To Wonder How Many Times Someone You Care About Has To Hurt You Before You Finally Don’t Care.
  • When Someone Breaks Your Trust Don’t Feel Stupid. You Didn’t Do Anything Wrong. They Are Just An Untrustworthy Person.
  • Never Cry For The Person Who Hurts You. Just Smile & Say, Thanks For Giving Me Change To Find Someone Better Then You.
  • Relationships Are Like Glass. Sometimes It’s Better To Leave Them Broken Than Try To Hurt Yourself Putting It Back Together.
  • When Someone Really Likes You, They Will Never Hurt You. If They Do, You Can See It On Their Eyes That It Hurts Them Too.
  • We Ignore The Ones Who Adore Us, Adore The Ones Who Ignore Us, Love The Ones Who Hurt Us, And Hurt The Ones That Love Us.
  • Don’t Worry About The People Who Hurt Or Hate You Worry About The People Who Love You Coz That Is Where Your Happiness Is.
  • When Another Person Makes You Suffer, It Is Because He Suffers Deeply Within Himself, And His Suffering Is Spilling Over.
  • No Matter How Good A Friend Someone Is, They Are Going To Hurt You Every Once In A While & You Must Forgive Them For That.
  • Hurting Someone Who Really Cares For You Is As Easy As Throwing Stone In The Lake; But You Don’t How Deep That Stone Goes.
  • You Deserve To Be With Somebody Who Makes You Happy. Somebody Who Doesn’t Complicate Your Life. Somebody Who Won’t Hurt You.
  • Loving Someone Doesn’t Need A Reason. If You Can Explain Why You Love Someone, Its Not Called ” Love “. Its Called ” Like “.
  • You Know What Hurts So Much ? It’s When Someone Made You Feel Special Yesterday But Makes You Feel Like You’re A Nobody Today.
  • I’M Sad, Hurt, Angry, Mad & Disappointed. But You Know What ? I’ll Put On A Smile And Move On. It Will Hurt, But I Will Survive.
  • Its Hard To Trust Somebody When The One Person Who You Completely Opened Up To Is The Person Who Later Completely Betrayed You.
  • You Can’t Lose What’s You Never Had, You Can’t Keep What’s Not Yours, And You Cant Hold On To Something That Doesn’t Want To Stay.
  • Do Not Lose You Dignity or Self Respect Trying To Make People Love And Appreciate You When They Just Aren’t Capable Of Those Things.
  • You Deserve Someone Who Knows How To Make Things Up To You After Hurting You. Not Someone Who Is Very Good With Just The Word, “Sorry”.
  • People Don’t Think Before Hurting Others, They Realize It Soon. But Its Too Late By Then Cause They Loose The Person Who Loved Them Most.
  • The Reason Why People Give Up So Fast Is Because They Tend To Look At How Far They Still Have To Go, Instead Of How Far They Have forgotten.
  • The First Person You Think Of In The Morning Or Last Person You Think Of In The Night Is Either The Cause Of Your Happiness Or Your Pain.
  • It Doesn’t Hurt In Any Way, But It’s Not A Massage Either. Some People Are Very Sensitive & They Might Find It A Little But Uncomfortable.
  • Sometimes, You Have To Try Not To Care, No Matter How Much You Do. Because Sometimes, You Mean Nothing…To Someone Who Means Everything To You.
  • No One Can Promise They’ll Never Hurt You Because At One Time Or Another They Will. The Real Promise Is If The Time You Spent Together Will Be Worth The Pain In The End.
  • If You Get Angry, I’ll Understand. If You Don’t Speaks To Me, I’ll Understand. If You Ignore Me, I’ll Understand. But If You Stop Being Important In My Life, It’s Your Turn To Understand.


Dealing with hurt in a relationship can be challenging, but expressing your emotions through hurt status quotes for WhatsApp can help you cope. We hope our list of the top 1000+ English hurt status quotes has provided you with relatable and supportive quotes to get through tough times. Remember, it’s okay to feel hurt and express those feelings; these hurt status quotes are just one way of doing so.

The top 1000+ hurt statuses for WhatsApp in English offer people a way to express their emotions and feelings during trying times. Although these messages can be helpful tools for communication, it’s essential to remember that they should never replace professional help or self-care. If you or someone close to you is suffering emotionally, seek support from loved ones and mental health professionals for optimal healing.

TAGS – Hurt Status for Whatsapp, Hurt Whatsapp Status, Hurt Status, Hurt Status for Him, Hurt Status for Her, Feeling Hurt Quotes, Getting Hurt Quotes, Hurt Feeling Quotes, Being Hurt Sayings


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