Hello everyone.

You’ve hit level 85 and now if you’re wondering what on earth are you supposed to do in this game. This is going to be a checklist on how to most efficiently prepare for raids and WoW Cataclysm Classic gold.

We’re actually going to begin with stuff, you should be doing while just on that last stretch to getting to level 85.

The Ilvl Problem

One of the major issues with Cataclysm Classic is that it has level requirements for entering heroic dungeons items. This is a problem you may not want to run into.

So there’s a little trick to this. Although these may not be equipped, you can have higher item level gear pieces in your backpack. And that actually still allows you to get into the random Heroic Dungeon Finder.

I’m not sure if this is oversight by blizzard. So take advantage of it while you can. If it does get Hotfix, you can very simply just use ItemRack or the equipment manager to have a set that equips higher level pieces.

But what you need to be doing is keeping gear from quests or from drops, that have a higher item level. Even if it’s not your main spec. Especially the quest from Twilight Highlands and the group quests in this zone because this could give you the item level boost that you need to unlock the queue.

And do these quests also because they will give you two, very good Trinkets for every single spec in the game. They are Once More Into The Fire and Night Terrors.

Bargain Hunting!

Keep an eye out on the auction house also for some really budget Greens. Usually, it’s going to be crafted gear because people are obviously Leveling Professions now. There’s a massive flood of those kinds of items on the auction house.

But sometimes you get absolute steals of less than 50 Cataclysm gold. And the item level can be equal to Dungeon gear. So take advantage of that while you can, you can even obtain pieces that aren’t your main spec again if you just need that item level boost to get into heroics. But please remember don’t spending a lot of gold on that.

Important Tabards

Remember to get friendly with every single faction to unlock Tabard. I can guarantee that every single class in the game can benefit from Reputation gear from every single Reputation. Once you get the Tabard, you can just stick it on and then Farm Reputation in higher level Dungeons and heroics.

To do this, all you got to do is do a few quests in every single zone and you’re sorted. You’re probably also going to need a certain Reputation for your best slot Head Enchant. And when you obviously get exalted you will then get some epic pieces.

Essential Enchants

You’re also going to need Therazane Reputation to exalt it to unlock the shoulder enchant. And most Raid Guilds are absolutely going to demand that.

Epic Trinkets Early?

Number five, you should be doing Tol Barad on repeat. You get epic Trinkets from the reputation here, which is great for jumping into Raids. There are other gear upgrades. It gives you great gold and there are some mounts and get an add-on.

It’s up and does all of a daily quest every day. A faster solo leveling route is provided by the Rustic Speed Addon. It tells you exactly what you need to do step by step. And it has a quest Mob Button to find Mobs much easier. So you don’t have to go into your bags.

Easy 333 Weapon

You also want to do Crucible of Carnage if you can. This might be hard on high population servers but it does reward a free weapon which can obviously give you that much needed item level boost to get into heroics.

Heroic Dungeon Bonus!

When you unlock heroics do the daily every single day without fail, you need those valid points. You won’t regret it in the long term and just point out you are going to need to gain gear off the vendors.

This is particularly important for getting your set pieces. And set pieces obviously provide set bonuses, which are usually a big boost to your DPS. So those people who care about passing and getting good passes early on, in the raiding experience get that sorted.

Profession Perks

Now one thing I’d recommend doing a little later is grinding it with your Profession. You will need your professions grinded up for your perks and to unlock the very easy gold flips later, but you will make the gold back later.

And this is because later in the next time, the materials are going to be a bit low-priced. Although right now they are very expensive.

But if you are going to use the auction house, just be mindful of that.

Farm Old Raids

Now, if you do desperately need WoW Cataclysm gold farming, one of the most reliable methods to do that right now is farming Old Raids. Because it is instanced and now that we’ve had this huge power Spiking Cataclysm. It’s also much easier for a majority of classes to do it. This can be Classic Vanilla raids and TBC.

Important Class Info!

And lastly guys, get ready for rating. One check the sheet for your pre-based gear talents, best enchants best reforging, etc. Get on the class discord, learn everything that you need to learn about how to play your class and build the best possible UI that you can.

It’s a good place to start before you start looking for more advanced stuff and start making your own.


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